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Tax Compliance

Compliance with local accounting legislation, standards and reporting timeliness is an important requirement in running your business here in Philippines.


Our team aims to minimize the impact of taxation, enabling you to maximize your potential savings and to expand your business.


By outsourcing your tax services to MBTG, we can help ensure that your business never misses a tax filing deadline again.


Our Tax Services Includes








Monthly Computation

& Preparation of the following BIR tax returns:

• BIR Form 1601E

• BIR Form 1601C
• BIR Form 0619F/1601FQ

• BIR Form 0619E/1601EQ

• BIR Form 2550M

Quarterly Computation

& Preparation of the following BIR tax returns:

• BIR Form 1701Q

• BIR Form 1702Q

• BIR Form 2551Q

• BIR Form 2550Q

• BIR VAT Relief Files

Annual Computation

& Preparation of the following BIR tax returns:

• BIR Form 1702

• BIR Form 1701

• BIR Form 1700

• BIR Form 1604CF

• BIR Form 1604E

Preparation of Certificate of Witholding Tax Returns:

• BIR Form 2307

• BIR Form 2316






Other Reportorial Requirements

• Lessee Information Sheet ( Semi-Annual)

• Annual Registration Fee (0605 )

 Documentary Stamp Tax

Year End Inventory List


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